Books and Videos – Books

Master Marco De Cesaris has produced along the years a series of teaching aids specifically conceived for Muay Boran students. Those instructional media take the form of books, some of them translated in 5 languages, and dvds, most of which multilingual.

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IMBA Muay Pram book By Grand Master Marco De Cesaris The Art of Thai grappling This book is a journey through the history, the mythology, the art and the science of the discipline of Thai Grappling. Starting from a detailed and rigorous analysis of the technical pillars of ancient Siamese Grappling, the author guides the […]

Buy your own copy on From a remote past, the ancient warlike wisdom of the Thai people comes to us. Starting from the meticulous analysis of an original manuscript, the author (one of the world’s leading experts in ancient and modern Siamese barehanded fighting arts) has systematized and updated the principles and techniques of […]

“Combat Muay Boran” by Marco De Cesaris Combat Muay Boran is a traditional fighting style, original of Thailand, structured for barehanded fisticuff. Compared to showy fighting so popular nowadays in martial arts movies and demostrations, Combat Muay Boran’main goal is making men and women ready for all-out fighting. Muay Boran as it is practised in […]

Muay Boran IMBA’s Instructors Manual. Limited edition. For members only. (193 pages – Full colour)

For the first time after years of study and researches, it is possible to present to the western public a deep analysis of the most advanced and lethal fighting strategies of the Siamese tradition (Muay Thai): the Look MaiMuay Thai Boran. The Look Mai are the real “secret weapons” that every Bramajarn (Grand Master) of […]

Forgotten for decades even in the motherland of Muay and, in the last few years often used as spectacular movements to amaze the audience in shows and demonstrations. In reality, the 15 traditional martial principles called Mae Mai Muay Thai or mother (Mae) techniques (Mai) of Thai fighting (Muay) represent a technical, cultural treasure that […]

This new book by Marco De Cesaris, published in five languages, deals with Muay Boran advanced techniques, for the first time revealed in the Western World. The author produced four more books and 15 technical videos but never explained in details the technical subjects treated in this new book, as all the Muay Thai Boran […]

This is the fourth book by Arjarn Marco De Cesaris of Italy, but the very first written in English by the author (actually it is published in 5 languages Italian, German, French, Spanish and English) about Muay Thai Boran, the result of many years of work to collect the best strategies, training methods and traditional […]

La Muay Boran è la versione attualizzata della Muay Thai Tradizionale più completa e scientifica: nel suo bagaglio tecnico sono compresi i migliori elementi degli antichi stili regionali e tematici dell’originale pugilato thailandese, che negli ultimi cinquant’anni erano praticamente scomparsi dalla madrepatria della disciplina a causa del preponderante interesse per gli aspetti sportivi e commerciali […]

La Muay Thai o Boxe Thailandese può essere definita a ragione l’arte marziale del duemila:inarrestabile e spettacolare, ha avuto negli ultimi anni un enorme aumento di popolarità grazie alla sua particolare efficacia.Questo volume illustra le origini dell’arte, le metodologie di allenamento dei combattenti professionitsti thai e le tecniche fondamentali.Il presente libro è il primo libro […]

I Rituali della Muay Thai,l’abbigliamento, le posizioni di guardia:tutto è spiegato e illustrato con il supporto di oltre 200 fotografie, prima di passare alle vere tecniche di attacco (Chern Muay). In queste lezioni, l’uso delle varie tecniche è accuratamente descritto ed illustrato, in modo da poterle apprendere sia leggendo, sia osservando.Ogni tecnica può combinarsi con […]